Saturday, August 2, 2014

Another Day in Paradise

Another day in Paradise!

I was walking the girls back an forth today to Marine Biology and Dive Class. On one of our trips back home, I saw this beautiful Tico women, whom I have seen many times with her 3 wheeled bicycle, her bags, and her perfectly pressed frilly apron.  She never shows up with out her perfect apron.

She digs in the garbage cans and dumpsters for aluminum to trade in.

Going back a bit, I have seen her at least 2x's a week since we moved here. I did some research, and found out her story. She has a few children and used to drink heavily. That is not the case now.  She collects cans, ect to support her family now.  Everyday. That is not a lot of money.

I saw her again today on our little road on one of our trips back. I had ONE Colones (equal to $2.00) left after paying for class.  That is it.  I approached her and handed it to her.

She threw up her arms, and in Spanish probably said praise the Lord, God is good!!! Working on that bit.  We looked at each other for a moment, and we grabbed each other and hugged, I mean REALLY hugged. She also gave me a kiss. I stood back with tears in my eyes.  No words, just love.

My plan is now to gather some of the coins we get in change, and when I see her, give them too her. Probably feels like winning the lottery. I just wish so I was in the position to do more. I am working on that.

Lots of words were exchanged in that moment, most of them not understood on the linear level, but the most important thing that was exchanged? Compassion and love for another human being.

There is a reason we show up for each other.

When you have had nothing, you know what it is like. To be able to give something out of what seems like nothing....that is a beautiful thing. Priceless.....

Pura Vida and much love......

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