Saturday, December 20, 2014

Merry Christmas to all and the most brilliant New Year to come!

Feliz Navidad!

Christmas is just around the corner. WOW! We have officially been in Costa Rica for 9 months now, time does fly!

Our sleepy little town is starting to get busy. I have been warned that there will be absolutely no way to drive anywhere from the days before Christmas to after New Year's. Thank goodness we have shoes that are made for walking. I have heard many stories about how it is here during the Holidays, and now we get to experience it first hand. No worries, Pura Vida.

Costa Ricans get an extra pay check in December and the people from San Jose and Central Valley plan their Holiday trips and come to the beach towns. This should all be very interesting!

As far as our plans, well, we are in decompression mode. No Black Friday shopping, no running around buying unnecessary gifts to fill up the space under the Christmas Tree. I did find a small tree, it is about 1.5 feet tall, for $1.00. I brought it home, and the girls decorated it. Spectacular!  They spent about 2 hours or more making popcorn strings and homemade ornaments. So far, that has been the most heartfelt moment watching them create, and enjoying the moment.

We will be celebrating Christmas in July at the cabin in Minnesota. I am so looking forward to that. Making an incredible meal on the grill with all the fixings, family and friends showing up to take a swim, enjoy company, and just being together. So, it is a win win!

2014 was an incredible year for us. So many changes, so many things to let go of that did not serve us. It seemed everything was falling apart, but actually it was coming together. We learned about faith, trust, and true love. Once you take that first step into the unknown, your whole world changes. I am grateful for the lessons learned, the love and friendships that have shown themselves, the moments where there seemed to be absolutely no light or hope. Those are the moments you have to dig deep and know absolutely who you are and where you would like to go. No matter how tough a situation seems to be, there is always something right next to it, a solution, a thought, a kind word, answers.

I am so looking forward to 2015!!! A fresh new start in a country we have fallen in love with. I can say that with certainty from the discussions we have had as a family. Our main goal is to start working on our Cedula so we can obtain residency. Life becomes a bit more simple once the process starts. No more every 90 days you have to leave. It will be great to have the opportunity to chose when we would like to take a mini vacation.

So, saying all of this, we are ready and relaxed. Finally letting ourselves just BE.

Merry Christmas to each and everyone one of you! May all your hopes, dreams and wishes come true for you as 2014 comes to a close and a bright, wonderful new chapter begins in 2015! Expect MIRACLES!

I want to wish you a Merry Christmas from the bottom of my heart!

Please click on the link above!

Pura Vida and so much love! Thanks for sharing our journey with us! We are truly in a state of gratitude!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Finally...our trip to Granada Nicaragua

Buenos Dias!

It has taken me awhile to get this all together for a little insight on our trip to Granada Nicaragua. It was an amazing time and an absolutely beautiful country with so much history. Our guide told us that the men are finally returning after the conflict (war) the country had. The Iran/Contra mess that happened....remember? Well, the country is working on coming back around and living in peace. A ways to go as of yet, but forward movement none the less.

Interesting traveling to another country. I remember in school how we were taught that Nicaragua was such a horrible place with not nice people. The things that we were taught! It was amazing to say the least to be in this environment, even just for 3 short days. The Nico's and Nica's are very proud of their country. The most common question that was asked, "how do you like my country?" Well, the answer is, we fell in love with it.

So far, the lesson we have learned is to be VERY non judgmental about ANYTHING! All the research we did for over a year on the internet to come to Central America.....I am finding out....a lot of crap out there! LOL! Some things are as they are, but most, not so much. And I do not mean that in a negative way! The learning curve has been steep, but worth every second of it, and I would not change it, I am sure my family would agree.

So here are some pictures of our trip to Granada Nicaragua. A special shout out to Avispa's Adventures. Thank you for making it such a memorable experience and guiding us along the way! Much love to you guys! I will also include the link if you are looking for an unforgettable tour anywhere in the region!

Avispa's Adventures

Crossing the border from Costa Rica to Nicaragua

A church in Granada

The Central Church in Granada. 

Another church

The BEST DAMN cup of coffee I ever had! 

Night life in Granada

Ok...the girls are done for the evening

Muy Bonita! 

A park in the center of Granada

Ran across this pic...we must have been goofing off!

The boat is ready for our tour of Lake Nicaragua

One of the many islands on the Lake
Monkey Island

Lake Nicaragua from the village of Rivas right across the border. Two volcanoes in the distance.
The girls sharing a soda

Yes...this is ONE order of food. YUM!!!
Kurt found his home......LOL!

Adios and so much love! More to come!