Annexation Day Parade in Costa Rica |
Colorful Dancers |
Sophia and Sam |
I think Hannah may be hot.... |
Catarata Llanos de Cortes |
Catarata Llanos de Cortes |
Safely back in Playas Del Coco as of July 18th 2014. Our plane trip back. Good Lord! We had a family of 4 sitting right behind us from Dallas to Liberia Guanacaste. Kurt was extremely exhausted, and we were all tired. He tried to sleep, but not with a 10 year old right behind him kicking the seat non stop. And behind the girls and I, well, a 2 year old that did not know how to use his inside voice. He would SCREAM at the top of his lungs at any given time. Well, of course our patience was running very thin. I must have said something a bit too loud. The father said, "well, it is an airplane ride!" that is the standard for an airplane ride? Ok then! Grateful for my girls, let me tell you. We arrived at customs at the airport, and the 2 year old took off out of the gated line and started running around and yelling. The guards at the airport were none too happy. It is a different world down here, and minding your P's and Q's are very important. I wish them the best of luck on their vacation!
Then we had to get our baggage checked. Here we go! Of course we were pulled aside once again, they grabbed two of our suitcases and started rummaging through them. The customs agent was asking how much the clothes cost, ect. Kurt was trying to explain to him. I stepped forward and kindly told the gentleman, we have 17 other bags to search to go along with the 2 he had opened. He dropped his head, sighed, and took Kurt's passport and went into the back room. He returned and told us to go and get out of there. Back to my reason of traveling light from now on! LOL! Crisis adverted!
Now we are unpacked once again and digging our feet in. It did feel like coming home, and that is something I needed to know. More information, and all is well right now.
The girls were in the Annexation of Costa Rica Parade with their school! So proud of them for supporting their adopted country! It is sure a cultural learning experience for them, and I hope they carry it with them for the rest of their lives.
OH! One more thing, Kurt and I splurged on fishing poles! You do not need a fishing license to fish of the beach, so we are in! I got up at 4:00 am Saturday morning, made coffee, and got things together. Kurt and I were off to the beach! We fished for about 2.5 hours, Kurt caught 2 Puffer Fish (second most poisonous animal on the planet, the first is the Golden Frog), at least we were not skunked! LOL! This will take some time to learn the patterns, and feeding times of the fish. Such a challenge and we are both up for it!
Sam has started her Master Dive course. Book work first, then training starts this weekend coming up with equipment. I am so very excited for her! Might as well, come on, we are in Costa Rica, and she will be able to take this anywhere in the world she chooses to go. The girls are also going out with Rich Coast Diving and their Marine Biology Class snorkeling on Saturday. I may go with them. OOOO YA! Opportunities abound, and I am so very grateful for everything that shows up and the experience we are having.
We went to the most beautiful water fall yesterday. You see the pictures above? They do not do it justice! We hiked down a very steep and rocky foot path and ended up in a piece of paradise. It was not of this world! We swam across the swimming hole and went behind the waterfall. Kurt had his Go Pro, and a young man asked him if he would record the proposal to his girlfriend! sweet! And he did. I sat behind the waterfall for about 1/2 hour, just taking the peace and the energy in. Letting all my worries wash away with the water. Perfect.
Today it rained in Coco. Finally, 2 months into rainy season and we can count on one hand how many times it has rained. It was truly a blessing. Guanacaste is in very deep drought right now because of El Nino. Any excess rain could be sent our way. Much appreciated!
Back to our life in a little town in Costa Rica. One thing I have learned, small town is small town anywhere in the world, if you know what I mean! LOL!
Pura Vida and much love!
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