Friday, November 20, 2015


Buenos Dias!

I have been thinking about blogging, but did not realize it has been 6 months since the last time I posted one. I guess some down time was needed. Things are changing so rapidly here and around the world. Can make a persons head spin.

So here we are, on the tail end of rainy season. Usually it ends November 15th, but with the last 2 years of El Nino, everything is different. Still getting late night rains, even though green season started very late. I really do not think we have experienced a true rainy season as of yet. As El Nino loosens it grip, it will be interesting for next year.

Mosquitoes are 100 time worse in Minnesota. Just stating a fact. But the bugger down here, well, they can get you.

Our family has now experienced Dengue Fever. Scary at first, not ever having dealt with it.

It started with Hannah. Sore throat, running nose, which could have been a whole other virus. Then BAM! Body aches, high fever, and a rash that appears to be under the skin. And her stomach hurt.

This has been a steep learning curve to say the least. Dr Pablo is a wonderful local doctor and has taken care of us every step of the way. There is not much medically that can be done for Dengue, checkups everyday and blood tests since this is a virus. This will continue for awhile.

When in Costa Rica, do what the Costa Ricans do! So I went out and asked questions. This has been around for a long time, what do the locals do to rid themselves of this and support their immune systems?

1) Liters and liters of liquid. If you could put a garden hose in your mouth and let it run, that would be enough liquid. (My personal take on that, and trying to use humor here)

2) Welch's Grape Juice

3) Papaya Leaf Juice

4) Papaya Seeds and the white pith that surrounds it

5) Bone broth soup

6) Tylenol

I have to say, the above works. Per my opinion, I am not a medical doctor, just a Mom who looks for information that can be locally sourced.

She is now on the upswing and been fever free for 48 hours. Her checkups will continue for awhile. I will add some links below for your own resources.

We are very much looking forward to dry season. It will give us time to reboot and get the immune systems back on track.

Sam's 16th birthday is upon us. Where did the time go? Just yesterday I was taking the little pea pod home from the hospital. It seems people get wrapped up in the everyday chatter and doing, and time just slips by. Still standing in our decision to move to Costa Rica. Time is a bit slower here so moments and experiences can be enjoyed.

Hannah is doing great in school! Making friends and her Spanish is amazing! So proud of her for allowing for this transition. She is a wealth of information and a perfect translator! What a team!

Sam is now a Master Scuba Diver. She will be able to get her Dive Master when she turns 18. Until then she will keep diving and working on her specialties.

That is the short and long of it. Still here, still living Pura Vida! Sometimes you just have to stop for a moment, take a breath, remember where you are, and put forth gratitude.

One more thing, a special heartfelt Thank You to everyone that has offered help, advice, phone numbers, prayers, and good thoughts. We truly love you all and thank you for making this a world wide community.

Pura Vida and so much love!


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