Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Sun had just dipped behind the mountain

Hubby trying out his new video camera

One week as of today we have been in our new home. I want to say time flies, and it does in certain ways, daily time moves slow, which is good! This whole experience shows how much we need to appreciate every moment, not get caught up in worry, or what is next, just be. There is no other option.

The Holiday is well on its way! Many people have traveled to town to celebrate, take a beach vacation, and worship.

We headed up to the pool at sunset last night, it was beautiful. We could here signing coming from the town below. The community had gathered at the local church and they were singing hymns. It was the most wonderful sound I had every heard. The town usually being noisy with bustling people ending their day, dogs barking, and music playing, it was silent except for the church service.  My family and I were also silent and joined in from our vantage point.  To say the least, it was a holy night for everyone.

Getting used to  a new country and climate can be a challenge. The heat here has been extreme. I still get moments of "what the hell did we do?" I also trust in the process and go back to the place where everything is falling perfectly into place.
My thought is, when the girls go back to school, the whole family will get back into a rhythm. A person has to admit, when there are only four of you together 24/7, you start to question yourself! LOL! 
So, what it comes down to is trust, seeing what is new everyday, and finding your OWN rhythm, no matter where you are!


Full Moon Last Night

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