Sunday, June 29, 2014

End of June already???


Hard to believe it is the end of June already! Time just seems to flow.....

July 8th, it will be 3 months since our move from Minnesota. It seems so much longer than that, but we have created quite a home for ourselves, and enjoying every moment of our new adventure.

We have decided to take a 2 week trip back North in July. After much discussion, all of us decide that it would be better to go now, than wait until Christmas. The winters the past 3 to 5 years in Minnesota have been almost unbearable. Huge amounts of snow, and cold, cold temps. I think we are going to give ourselves a well deserved break for at least one winter!

There are a few things we need that we cannot find down here, or that are WAY to over priced. Clothes are a big thing on our list since we have lost a bit of weight since we have arrived. A list has been made and checked twice. No NON necessities will be traveling back with us.

The girls also want to meet up with their friends and spend some time. The first week will be spent at the cabin.....canoeing, swimming, fire in the pit, fishing off the dock, and walking in the beautiful nature we used to call home. The next week will be spent in the Twin Cities for some family time.

There are some mixed feelings about this...are we going HOME or back NORTH? My thought is home is where we matter where we land. I am sure there will be a good post once I return to CR. May healing occur during our stay......

My intent is that this will be a healing trip for all of us. Leaving as we did, with everything having gone upside down. Hopefully we can all go back with new eyes and a feeling of adventure. This trip will also show each of us that the world is at our finger tips....anytime we need a break.....we are allowed to go! I told the girls that, Costa Rica is our home base now, and that the world is our Oyster!

Top on our list when we return North:
A full on Turkey Dinner
Tator Tot Hotdish
Peanut Butter

Interesting topic Kurt and I discussed yesterday. Hannah had a horrible gluten intolerance when we were in the States. She was on a wheat free/dairy free diet for a few years. She would get stomach aches, diarrhea, and headaches if she got into anything with process wheat in it. That was a huge task to take on, and my kitchen turned into a laboratory. After awhile with much research, it all became easier.

Her teacher had spoken about this and that she had a friend with the same symptoms. But after going to France, that person could eat all the pastries they wanted. So putting 2 and 2 together, we thought we would give it a shot with Hannah, slowly but surely. We still do not eat a lot of wheat based food, but when we do, she is perfectly fine. No troubles! Saying this, my thought is that is has to do with the chemicals they use when growing the wheat in the States, and of course all of the GMO's that are presented to us. Very interesting, and our trip will prove this beyond a doubt.

Well, time to start packing and getting everything in order once again...hmmm...seems like I did this only a few months ago! LOL! This time is much easier...a few changes of clothes and our toothbrushes!

Pura Vida and take care! Will see you on the other side!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Something was scratching at our window, we opened the blinds and this showed up.

The meaning of Iguana's

Yesterday started with a BANG. Literally, I went to get my coffee at 5:30 am, sat down on my Yoga Ball to start work, and it exploded. Some how I screwed up my knee and my back of course. Waiting for the swelling to subside so I can call Dr. Nick to whip me back into shape.  Feeling a bit down in the chops, I was to the point of feeling my body back to health, walking, swimming, good food....feeling great! Now a set back. So frustrating!.

Info on Astrology right now

Mercury Retrograde is hitting hard right now. Old emotions and thoughts that have not been healed are now coming up to the fore front to be released. Things just do not seem to work, and forward motion in our lives seems to be at a standstill. Being an intuitive and healer, it is still beyond frustrating.

We are planning a trip North in July for a few weeks. The girls want to see their friends, and I am working my butt off on this one so it will all come together. Kurt needs to say good bye, and myself, I just want to sit at the cabin for a week and chill out. I know what I left and who I left, and it is done. I will enjoy myself immensely in the quietness of where I grew up.

I was told by a dear friend of mine to set boundaries before our trip and during our trip. She had mentioned that people would be asking us to stay, and questioning our move to Costa Rica. She had also said that we need to stay the course and remember the higher reasons of our leap of faith. We have landed here for a reason, though they are not quite crystal clear yet.

Maybe it is just our family....but what we are experiencing with the people we had relationships with are totally falling away.  When we make contact and reach out, people are too busy, or seem disinterested. My question is, all the years of friendship, love, they just disintegrate? Out of sight...out of mind? That is what is it feeling like now. It makes me very sad at a heart level, but will push me to once again find OUR family.

This blog post is a great departure from all the adventures I have previously posted. As I said in the beginning, I was going to share every aspect of what is unfolding. No holding back. You could say, learning to let things go, gaining a different perspective, muddling through the confusion, questioning yourself is an adventure all on its own. Perspective baby.....perspective.

The Iguana yesterday showing up was very powerful. I am grateful for every teacher that shows up. Please click on the link to see what the Spiritual meaning of this wonderful animal is about. Taking it all in right now.

Happy Solstice everyone! Take some time out today and breathe....feel the energies of the new season....and just BE in the moment.

Pura Vida!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

My first Sour Sop....So good!

The girls made Kurt a proper Tico breakfast on Father's Day

Dragon Fruit and Star Fruit directly from our neighbors yard!

Hannah and her new little sister Sophia! 

Meet Sophia....this was her first day at school....she was beyond excited! 

Buenos Dias!

Another week or so has gone by...whew! Let me take that has not GONE by...everyday has been a new and exciting experience.

Last week Kurt caught one of the 4 viruses that show up during the change of the seasons. We are now going from dry season to rainy season. This one was intestinal and progressed very fast. Vomiting, diarrhea, extreme high fever. It started on a Saturday and I brought him to the doctor Monday morning ASAP. He received a shot to stop the stomach cramping. His digestive system had already started shutting down. The doctor prescribed eating every 20 minutes whether he felt like it or not, and also fresh coconut water, which I purchased 2 on our way home. He also received 5 vials of liquid containing good bugs for his gut and electrolytes to be taken everyday at bedtime. I am still very amazed on how medicine is practiced down here. Taking in every bit of them listening to their patients bodies. Kurt is now back on his feet and back in the game!

Saturday a few of us got together and planted trees over in the community of Hermosa. Not little seedlings, but mature trees ranging from 10 to 14 feet tall. I guess they planted seedlings last year and they were dug up and stolen. The local Clergy came, said prayers for us and the trees. He also blessed the plantings with Holy Water. So good! May they thrive! On the other side of this, I thought it was quite funny that we were planting trees in a jungle setting....but I do understand...the whole country is working on re forestation. Just my crazy mind working over time!

After this, we thought it to be a great idea to stop and have a cold beer or two! So good! As we were having an enjoyable cold beverage, we looked over and 10 Brahma cows of all different sizes were coming towards us on the road heading for the main street that goes through Coco. OK! The cows got about 20 feet away from the road and myself and 2 other people decided to get up and turn them around. They must have escaped from their fences. We spread our arms out and started talking to them.....and they did turn around! There was one that weighed about 2 tons...she was a beauty.....and needed to walk on the sidewalk and not the dirt road....I told her how precious and beautiful she was......they eventually ended up back to their home. And of course...I did not have my camera.

 We are all feeling better....getting Vitamin D, eating to feed our bodies and not just to eat, losing weight, our skin is getting tan, and exercising everyday. Not working out, walking to school and swimming.....this seems to be our home for now.....feeling into it.....

Also working with our school for scholarships for children in need....from my research, most children locally may go only through the 8th grade. There is so much potential in these young ones and those that desire to further their education. Green Life Academy is an international school that both my children attend. Tuition is incredibly reasonable....but a little boost could be used. Here is the link to our Indiegogo site. If you are inspired, please donate. And if you could share, that would also help so much. Looking at growing and bringing community together!

That is all for now! Pics to follow!

Pura Vida!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Jeep getting repaired and synchronicity

Our new friend the Jeep needs a starter...I know! I know! We just got it...but expected some kind of repairs on it since it is 25 years old. Everything needs a bit of help now and then.

I went out to start it yesterday and the all telling WHIRRRR of the heart sank. UGH! Instantly pissed, I came back into the house. greatest source of information and help through the local chat rooms. "ISO reliable mechanic in the Coco area." Ok, that was done. Response time, less than 3 minutes...thank you!

I was told to call a mechanic at this certain shop. I did, explained to him what had happened, and he told me to get it there. Ok? Oh yes, we have to get it rolling and pop the clutch like the old days, I remember! We live on a hill, so that should not be so bad. Kurt came out and got ready to push. I thought I would try it one more time...and low and behold! It started! YIPPPEEEEE! So off I went to the mechanic.

I am still finding out where things are and the names of certain places. I kind of live in a state of blissful oblivion, but when I need something it shows up. I headed off in the direction I was told to go. Came around a corner, and there is a mechanics shop. Now remember, I said "a" mechanics shop. I pulled in, not the correct one, but they were coming out the door headed for what? I asked for the mechanic I spoke to on the phone, never heard of him.....oh oh....Andre came out. Ok...might as well roll with it......

I proceeded to tell them what was wrong and what I thought it needed. (Let me point out, I have worked on heavy equipment, motorcycles, and vehicles my whole life) Andre and his mechanics listened to it, looked at it, and agreed.

I had them all laughing by the time I left. I told them..."not too bad for a Gringo Senorita to know what is going on with her vehicle." I have found a sense of humor about what goes on around you and the situations that come up are met with great acceptance....very nice.....

So as long as our friend is in the shop, I asked for a bit more TLC for spark plugs, oil change, fluids checked, ect.....

The BEST part about this??? When I returned home, I had messages on Facebook on whom I was SUPPOSED to bring the Jeep too in the first place, had gotten not so great reviews. The shop I accidentally ended up at.....they are said to be the best in town.....and of course...there are never any accidents.....

Waiting for the call to come and pick it up.....

Pura Vida and have a remarkable weekend!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Our new vehicle and much more!

Hola! And so more adventures in our Costa Rica!

If you check the post will see some pictures of our last few weeks here. Very cool indeed!

We finally have wheels! A 1989 Jeep Laredo....with all the bells and whistles...LOL! Ok...not so much, but I can pretend. It gets to where we need to go! Some of the windows do not work, the AC definitely does not, and it needs a bit of work. But we love it and it is ours. Long life to you my new friend! We still walk around Coco and the girls walk to school everyday with their Dad, and I have finally started feeling good enough to join them a few times a week! Brilliant!

I finally know Emily's Mom's name. Shirley. A bit of asking...and there it was!

For a few days, Hannah had not been feeling well. Sore throat, headache, a bit of a fever, achy. I thought this too shall pass, and she was feeling a bit rundown. Supporting her with food and supplements. Well, then the bloody noses started. Ok...she used to get them from the dry air up north, so, we have dealt with this before. A day and half passed and she had 3 of them total. We were on our way to Comunidad to go to the bank and another one started. There was a pharmacy next to the bank and I took her in. Doctor on call in the house! $50 USD to see him. Lets go!

He was wonderful! He spoke softly and kindly to both of us. And in English, thank God for small favors! It took him about 45 minutes to get Hannah's nose bleed under control. I told him about the symptoms that lead up to this. He said he would do a full physical on her.

He checked her ears, nose, throat, belly, and all of her pulse points in her body. I watched him while he was doing all of this. He had me look in her throat with the light and asked me if I saw the bumps on her throat, I said yes. The Doctor told me that is bacterial. Well in the states, that would have been a throat swab and a negative strep test! I am not a big fan of anti biotics, and he asked me if I knew about the Zithromax, I told him it is a 5 day dose in the states. Oh no he said, that is too much, 3 days would be fine and she would feel better.

The Doctor told me he also FELT she was stressed! WHO TELLS YOU THAT??? I gave him a hug! Oh...he was listening to my daughters body! Fantastic!

Hannah is 100% back to normal now!

We have our vehicle now. The government Retevee needs to be done on it which is the inspection that is done yearly. So, after researching, we are getting a Tico to take it to the inspection site to get it passed and will do repairs later. If we bring it as Gringo's it will not pass....there is still quite a cultural difference to over come here...being a Gringo is not always such a good thing......more on that later.

I have taken the girls to another beach to explore! We must have spent 5 hours there. Snorkeling was amazing, the water was so clear! The first thought that came to my mind is that I was swimming in an aquarium. Pretty sad thought since I had nothing to compare it too! I am excited to do more exploring....there are 11 different climates here in Costa Rica, and I want to be in every one of them!

Sam will start her deep water dive certification this month! I am so proud of her! And hopefully an internship. Both Sam and Hannah are taking extra Marine Biology classes on Saturdays with Rich Coast Diving. Per my research, there are only 6 coastlines the turtles nest on...and one of them is ours! So exciting...this season is coming up soon!

Kurt and  are working on our relationship. It has been 22 years of solid work, and then children. Neither of us would change a thing. Now comes the time of getting to know each other again. This will be a process for sure. Letting go of frustration and past hurts is top on our list.

So...the adventure continues.....

Thanks for reading and being a part of our lives....

Pura Vida and so much love!

And this showed up at our doorstep a few weeks ago. His name is Mayhem, that needs to be a story on its own.

Sam kayaking at Ocotal Beach. Shhh...don't tell her I put her pic up!

The girls at Ocotal Beach

Now this is a big proud boy!

The Divine Feminine! 

And Divnine Masculine!

Our New Wheels! Gotta LOVE it!